
Ice & Water Shield used in all valleys and 2 rows on all eaves, provides enhanced protection and is standard on every job at Artisan Construction
In Colorado, our homes are subject to extreme temperature changes, sun exposure, and inclement weather. Typically, Spring through late Summer is the time where storms are most severe and can cause significant damage to the roofs. These storms range from an afternoon rain shower, to intense storms that can bring high winds, and damaging hail. Hail damage to shingles is a result of dense hail stones that impact your roof, and cause not only visible damage, but also damage to the structure of each shingle that is difficult for most homeowners to recognize. If left unnoticed, these impacts begin to deteriorate and wear down the structural integrity of the roof system, and can lead to future damage on the interior of the home.
Insurance companies understand the important role that a roof plays in the security of a home and its contents, and the increased costs to replace damaged interior components of a home, as a result of a damaged roof system that is left unrepaired. Upon notification of hail damage, they will send out an adjuster to verify and inspect the property, and determine if the roof warrants replacement. This is an important meeting for your contractor to be at. Adjusters and contractors should agree on the exact Scope of Damages, and work together to ensure the homeowner is properly taken care of.
At Artisan Construction, we are committed to meeting with each homeowner’s adjuster, and work with them to ensure that our mutual customer is taken care of. Once approval is given to replace the roof, we use high quality shingles and accessories, such as those found through Owens Corning, to install a superior and complete roof system. Our work is set to the highest standard of craftsmanship, so that our customers can have confidence that their investment is protected. From the initial inspection by our trained professionals, to the duration of our 10-year Craftsmanship Warranty, Artisan Construction is there to provide superior customer service, and help our homeowners in any way that we can.
After the Storm:
We live in what is arguably, the most beautiful state in the country. We are spoiled with majestic Rocky Mountain views, family friendly neighborhoods, and enough sports teams to keep us cheering all year long. We all love the weather, and the beauty that the different seasons provide. We also know how quickly the weather can change, and to prepare for almost anything. Colorado is a state that sees more than its fair share of severe weather. According to the Rocky Mountain Insurance Information Association, Colorado’s Front Range is located in the heart of “Hail Alley” which receives the highest frequency of large hail in North America. This results in damage to countless homes, personal property, vehicles, and crops. These storms attract a multitude of “storm chasers”, and illegitimate contractors. It is important to choose a contractor that is experienced in dealing with insurance claims, reputable, fully insured, and that you feel comfortable with. A reputable contractor will work with your insurance company, and work out the scope of damages, and costs associated with the repairs/replacement of all damaged property. Your contractor and insurance company should share the same goal of working together for the good of their mutual customer. The contractor you choose should be the one responsible for notifying your insurance company of all code related issues, permits, and other issues that may have been missed or not covered by your adjuster. Once all work has been approved, your contractor can proceed with attaining permits and scheduling the work to be completed. The process can be daunting and confusing for homeowners to tackle by themselves. Before the construction phase begins, your contractor will have many details to work out, to ensure you, the homeowner, are not having to incur costs that exceed your deductible. Please review our simple Claim Process, and contact us if you have any questions.
Other services:
In addition to the roof, other components of a home can become damaged in a hail storm. Items such as siding, gutters, windows/screens, paint, decks, and fences are all prone to hail damage, and covered under most insurance policies. After the storm, a majority of the contractors you meet are only there to do your roof, and in many cases, are only licensed to do roofing. Artisan Construction Company, Inc. is a full service General Contractor, and can complete all the necessary repairs/replacement, thereby saving the homeowner time and effort. We offer continuous gutter systems, that are available in a variety of colors. This gutter system enhances the appearance of your home, and provides a more efficient controlled water distribution from the roof, and you won’t have to worry about leaking joints anymore